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Category Archives:Content Marketing

The 3 Laws of Content Marketing

The Laws of Content Marketing can mean so much to so many different people. If you ask a dozen content marketers, bloggers or life brand gurus what it means you will get a dozen different answers.

Having spent a long time researching, reading, training and doing I firmly believe that content marketing it all boils down to just 3 Laws of Content Marketing.

So what are the 3 Laws of Content Marketing?

1st Law: Talk how they talk and be where they are

You need to be able to speak using the language that your target audience understands in terms of pitch and tone, not only the words you use. You need to be in places they are. So if they are on Twitter, it’s no good writing reams and reams on Linked-in.

2nd Law: Hear what they want and say what they need

You can write about whatever you like but if no one reads it, it’s not marketing. Content or otherwise, it’s just noise. It’s not informative if no one wants the information. Content marketing addresses then needs and wants of the reader. Information is what they want so listen and ask what they need to know.

3rd Law: Give them more than you expect to receive

To make people happy they like to receive things. This could be a gold star or a compliment or anything. Were you never told its better to give than to receive? Give something of yourself and it will be repaid many times over. This applies to friends, with communities and also with your target audience.

Why only 3 laws?

If you Google Laws of Content Marketing you get any number going from 4 t0 44.Who ever managed to follow and remember 44 rules?

The 10 commandments only had 10 for a reason, any more would be forgot or ignored. Added to that fact they were on stone tablets that would be pretty heavy.

The Original American Constitution had seven articles before it had a load of amendments made.

Proving why these three laws are worthy of following is a simple as applying Occam’s razor. For those that don’t know Occam’s razor is a problem-solving principle that you hear people quote when they want to sound clever.

Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.”
Occam’s razor

So keep it simple, three laws easy to follow, easy to get right every time. Not 4, and definitely not 44!

Will you follow the 3 Laws of Content Marketing from now on?



doing content marketing wrong

5 Things you are Probably Doing Wrong as a Content Marketer

Content is king! Well, it won’t be king for long if you are doing content marketing wrong, so do the right things. I found this article over on and it shows nicely the 5 things that are so easy to not do but can have a big impact on your content marketing.

Just to summarise here is the list just to drive these points home, but please go through and read the rest of the article.

1. Not writing for your Target Audience

It’s not good writing in jargon if your target audience will not understand it, write how they will speak and understand. But
I wouldn’t recommend trying to “get down with the kids” that’s just embarrassing.

2. Settling for Boring Headlines

Would you be interested in reading something with a boring title that doesn’t grab you? No, nor will your audience … Have a look at’s Headline Analyzer for inspiration

3. Not Offering any Benefits

Everyone like to get something, this can be a free check-list or just a tip or video about something the audience is interested in.

4. Forgetting to optimize

Your audience as much as they may love you will not hang around for long while your page loads…so make it snappy and speed it up as much as possible.

5. Being Anti-Social

No man is an island, and nor or are you so be involved, interact say hello to your followers and reach reach out.

So that’s the summary here is the the post itself and try be stuck with doing content marketing wrong

Source: 5 Things You Are Probably Doing Wrong as a Content Marketer