Facebook is the largest social network in the world, with some 1.3 billion users of which a healthy 62% actively use it on a daily basis. Everyone uses Facebook, your family, your friends and more importantly for your business, so does your potential clients.
Being able to easily contactable by your Facebook friends through Facebook is one way to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside. When you post your latest achievement ro share an interesting article you have found, your friends can see and be part of this too. Who hasnt clicked on a post from a friend with a cute kitten in it!
So with all these people posting updates and watching kitten videos how do you find your potential customers?
So not only can you post your updates to those people that are already your Facebook friends you can also choose to pay to boost your posts to get even further out there.
Facebook is excellent at making use of all the data that its users provide, so you can target your own posts with a very good set of demographics. You target based on gender, location, age and interests so you can make sure your post will not waste money being viewed by people with no interest in what you are saying.
So if you havent already got your Facebook page up and running and arent already sharing positive, useful, interesting or just plain funny things then you are lagging behind. You can bet your competitors are already doing it, and if they arent then its time for you to take the lead and storm ahead with Facebook marketing.